
Showing posts from September, 2017
دردش به جان رسید و بر جان نشست. صبح با درد از خواب بلند می‌شوم، با درد به حمام میروم، با درد خودم را در آینه نگاه می‌کنم. چون که او نیست با خودش دیگر. او رفته با صدایش.
We became the rooftop movie we watched on my birthday. Hints are all around me and they are driving mad.

از ترس‌ها

"I was a miracle in that I could have taken her out of her life and into a life she would have liked a lot. It never happened, but that doesn't mean it wasn't there to happen. All of that has been a brutal lesson to me in not overlooking or misunderstanding what is actually there, in your hands, now."